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Update[1]: Zend PHP Certification – Economic Indian Price

As I blogged earlier, the Zend PHP Certification price is too high to afford in India and I contacted Daniel Kushner, Director of Education Zend Technologies Ltd.

Recently Daniel Kushner and Idan Zuckerman (Zend) informed me that they're working with Pearson to fix the Indian price. In the meantime they said that they could offer me a voucher for 120 USD (original price is 200 USD). Though now I can afford to 120 USD, it is still high (MCP costs only 50 USD) for any Indian PHP guys. Anyway, I think it's a great improvement and I really applaud their efforts. I have planned to get the voucher after 1-month time though it has 6-month validity—as I have to prepare for the exam first.

I have also been asked to refer friends and colleagues for this 120 USD offer. If you want to avail this offer, please buzz me (only India based PHP guys).


Anonymous said…
We in the west lost our programming jobs because we cannot compete on labor price. Yet you want a special privalaged price for the Zend license?
For comment#1: It's really upsetting me to see that you lost your job. I could compare this one with the scenario when MNCs like Pepsi came to India—many lost their jobs, business, etc.

But, I have the strong opinion that the walls in the world would collapse soon—and we'll have a universal currency, laws, and we'll have better understanding of each other.

Peace to you.
Anonymous said…
I agree that someday, a few decades, things might even out, but I will probably be dead by then.

Globalism is happening too fast and flattening too many families. If things changed at a generational pace it would be easier to weather. The next generation simply goes into a newer field. But when all one's education and career is wiped out in 20 years, it is tough to recover. It may happen to India IT also, I would note. Live by free trade, die by free trade.
Pushpan said…
Hi Rajesh,

I wish to take up the zend php certification exam.
I am based in Bangalore.


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