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Spotify's Greenroom Vs. Clubhouse - Missing Text Chat and Other Impacts

Greenroom spam clubs inside Clubhouse
We have Clubhouse clones from Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, and now Spotify. Unlike others, Spotify seems to target directly into the Clubhouse audience/members. It is extremely obvious inside Clubhouse as you can find many spammy clubs and rooms created to attract the Clubhouse users.

Greenroom Vs. Clubhouse

I was stumbled upon one such room Clubhouse influencers are jumping off to Greenroom? - All things Hollywood. Few takeaways from the room are:

  1. Text chat is not available in Clubhouse, whereas it is available in Greenroom. This is the most talked-about USP.
  2. The recording feature is not available in Clubhouse and the same is available in Greenroom.
  3. Spotify has opened up a creator fund for Greenroom creators in the USA. However, I think, there are better indirect monetization options available for Clubhouse users.

Stream's chat component & million-dollar opportunity?

As I tweeted, Clubhouse can quickly bring the text chat feature by using Stream's chat component. If they do so, it is a huge opportunity for the Stream!

What if the Stream misses the opportunity?

As I strongly believe that Clubhouse will implement the text chat feature sooner than later, it may choose any chat components to speed up the development. In case, if they don't choose the popular chat component--namely Stream, they may pick up Stream's competitors.

Stream alternatives / competitors

  1. Sendbird
  2. CometChat
  3. Twilio Conversations


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