This article was written on Jan 16, 2011 and updated on Jan 26, 2011, Mar 16, 2011, Mar 21, 2011, Mar 28, 2011, Apr 10, 2011, and May 1, 2011 In 2008, I have written Save American College, Madurai that seemed to help many people including alumni to understand the situation, politics and chaos. At that time, I was favoring Principal's party as favoring Bishop's party could turn adverse as they're was already trying to replace non-permanent staffs; in fact, I have even donated a meager amount for the legal battle.[ Update : Corrected the sentence to convey the intended meaning. Thanks for those who pointed out] This time, people hit the same old article and asking the details. When I contacted, this time, nobody have clear reason for the chaos--except that it's a ego clash between Principal and Bishop party. Problems and reasons Till now, all bishops were being part of The American College, Madurai Governing Council. All/Most of the bishops played subtle r...
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